
my WISH list aka my TO BUY / TO DO list

♡ HTC Touch Diamond!!!!! (TOP OF THE LIST~~~~LOL, cant wait) Sorry to Sony Ericsson G900

♡ a DSLR

♡ Iphone to replace my ipod color 20G....

♡ A trip to Japan with enuff $$ for shopping,haha
♡ Trip to both HK & TPE again

( more to add....... ♡ )

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Counting down to 11JuL for an "i" and a 'G' or 'D'??

Black or White?? It's really hard to decide.......

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sony Ericsson G900 - it's out, it's out, it's OUT!!!

it's out, it's out, it's OUT~~~~~~~~~~

It's finally OUT after i waited for months!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeee....

BUT sigh, dono when I can get it....
Must go to SE shop to play with the real thing to see how tempting it is.

Currently Mobile square & Iposh is selling S$730.... still very expensive to buy :~~(

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sony Ericsson G900

I want ~~~ i want~~~~~~~~

- Symbian™ OS with handwrite notepad
- 5MB camera with auto focus & image stabiliser
- FM radio RDS

Hopefully it's not too expensive when it release in 2nd quater of 2008.......

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

another gadget of the month

bought a shinco portable dvd player........yooohoooo.......... I will 'try to' finish tons of my bought-super-long-time-ago-but-yet-to-watch dvd & vcd during journey time if possible........ kaka


Monday, January 7, 2008

Not-So-mY wacom Bamboo FUN~~~

"WE" finally bought my wacom bamboo fun....I wanted to get this bamboo fun so much cos the pure-white version match my white-rigs & my cool white-modem so much..... BUT! in the end the Bamboo fun I got is in SILVER color...... sigh........ sad.

Why I got the wrong colour??
1. the dmn LY's viewnet shop sort-so cheated my sis to get the wrong color by telling her the one they sell is "WHITE" in color [uncle, u got color-blind ar, white & silver also cannot differentiate]
2. my sis too happy to play with the new bamboo fun until never notice that she got the wrong color.....wohaha, it's so bamboo-funny
3. No way for me to change to white cos seem like the whole LY dont have white version in stock anymore. & I dont want to take the risk to go spray it white....

OKIE, i will just live with not-so-my silver color bamboo fun.... it's not worth to get ANOTHER ONE in white color & im not so rich to buy another one JUST to match my desktop..... anyway, it just another new gadget for me to have some fun....
Hmmm, have to wait till early Feb08 for my sis to bring the bamboo-fun to I still cant play with it yet..... shall see if it's rilly fun.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

蛀米的日子 :一周倒数完毕

时间过得好快啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好可怕啊。。。。

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

蛀米的日子 :倒数一周

啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~ 好快呀,好可怕啊。。。。我蛀米结束的日子在倒数中了,而且还少过一周。。。。。。